special treatments
Au Natural
Sandalwood Vetiver Tan remover
Ideal De-tanning Treatment​
Stayed too long at the beach in the scorching heat? That terrible tan need not be left untreated. Sandalwood powder with cooling herbs and miraculous vetiver roots help calm and soothe the skin. This cooling and relaxing therapy removes excess heat and reduces the tan. Our Sun-protection sandalwood lotion further heals sun-damaged skin.
Therapy : Scrub + Massage
Duration : 60 Mins
green apple & poppy seed anti-pigmentation
Even Your Skin Tone and Eliminate Blemishes​
Uneven skin tone and pigmentation are all signs of ageing and break-down of skin. This therapy allows you to make any such sign vanish quite easily. The fruit moisture of green apple and the gentle exfoliating properties of poppy seeds work magically to even out and lighten pigmentation spots. This massage gives you irresistibly younger-looking skin. White Mantra suggests a minimum of four sittings for severe pigmentation.
Therapy : Scrub + Massage
Duration : 60 Mins